
"Bobby Weinapple works very hard at his craft which, as the best actors suspect, sometimes means not working hard at all. His casual charisma casts this illusion of effortlessness that, I suspect, is a mask for an ambitious internal of my favorite things about Bobby is how well he listens. It's as if his process absolutely depends on it."

- Antero Alli, Writer / Director, Vertical Pool


"Lionheart's story is particularly relevant today... It's almost hard to believe this play is a totally new work, so assured is it... All four actors here are excellent in their roles, but Weinapple is remarkable for his precision; his rages, schemes, and tears are all equally believable... Lionheart is a powerful and gripping experience."

- Excerpt from review of Central Works' "Lionheart"
By Lisa Drostova, East Bay Express


"What stands out more than the dances or even the voices is this cast's skill with period comedy – specifically Robert Weinapple, a remarkably gifted and agile musical performer"

"As a fast-talking romancer (reminiscent of the early Bob Hope), Weinapple is a polished and inspired comic actor with precision timing and simply a funny aura about him that makes every line crackle and every joke, no matter how silly, pay off. His Act 2 set piece, where he lies his way through a description of a made-up bullfight, is the show's best non-musical moment."

- Excerpt of review of 42nd Street Moon's revival of "Lady Be Good!"
By Gerald Nachman, San Francisco Chronicle


"When Bobby auditioned for us, he was simply one of the very truly outstanding actors we had seen on our large outdoor stage. We did not cast him because he was perfect for a particular role but because he could have played any of several roles; it was a question of how to use him in the strongest part available. He was cast as Sebastian in The Tempest, a difficult role requiring both passion and vulnerability and heaps of intelligence, and he gave a beautiful, tempered, strong and clear performance. Bobby not only had the vocal ability to maintain clarity and nuance while projecting mightily, he also had the physical freedom and range to project a character who owned the stage while maintaining a strong core of dramatic truth."

- Lesley Schisgall Currier, Founding Managing Director, Marin Shakespeare Company


"Howard Swain and Robert Weinapple must be the two hardest-working actors in the Bay Area this month. Whipping in and out of costumes onstage, singing, hoofing, hauling their own scenery and doing it all in immigrant Italian accents, the pair play the title roles in "Sacco & Vanzetti: A Vaudeville" at the Marin Theatre Company. The adroit Weinapple's tightly buttoned mouth and neat mustache mark Bartolomeo Vanzetti, an unmarried fish peddler, as a composed and reflective figure."

- Steven Winn, SF Chronicle


"Next to Ken Ruta's sunny, boastful Falstaff, the smoldering Robert Weinapple as Master Ford is a time bomb, potentially capable of anything. We truly fear for his wife if she should fail his test – and believe his passion for her when she does not. It's a tricky role, seething darkly in the middle of such a lightweight comedy, but Weinapple pulls it off..."

- Excerpt of review of San Francisco Shakespeare Festival's
"The Merry Wives of Windsor"
By Lisa Drostova, East Bay Express
